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Showing posts from March, 2022

Teething Remedies

  We already discussed about Teething in previous blog. Here is the link.  You can read this and understand about the Teething and sign and symptoms. In this blog we discussed teething remedies. If your baby weeping continuously and feeling discomfort then its the time, your child's teeth are going to get out. Teething had the biggest day in child's life. But they have some difficulties with it. Usually the children's teeth starts to get out between 6 months to 8 months and all the teeth of children are out for two years but in some children's teething process may be late. For the first time, the children have to  face the fever, nervousness, excessive saliva and diarrhea. Today we are going to tell you some domestic tips, so that your child's teeth will easily go out without any problems. During this time period , you can also massage the gums of the child. Massage will help, less pain in the gum and the c


 दांत निकलते वक्त दर्द और असहजता के कारण बच्चे अक्सर चिड़चिड़े हो जाते है और रोने लगते है। Teething is when teeth first come through a baby's gum. It can be frustrating time for babies and their parents. Knowing what to expect during teething and how to make it a little less painful can help. Although timing widely, babies often begin teething by about age 6 months. The two bottom front teeth are usually the first to appear. During the teething period there are symptoms that include irritability, disrupted sleep, swelling or inflammation of the gums drooling, loss of appetite, rash around the mouth, mild temperature, diarrhea, increased biting and gum-rubbing and even ear-rubbing. What are the first signs of teething? Swollen, tender gums. Fussiness and crying. A slightly raised temperature . Gnawing or wanting to chew on hard things. Lots of drool, which can cause a rash on their face. Coughing. Rubbing their cheek or pulling their ear. Bringing their hands to their mouth. When do

Burping, Burping Position and Pictures

An important part of feeding baby is burping . Burping helps to get rid of some of the air that babies tend to swallow during feeding. Not being burped often and swallowing too much air can make a baby spit up, or seem cranky or gassy. A burp or belch can help ease an upset stomach.  Its very common. Though it may be unpleasant for you and those around you, Burping is a completely natural way to get rid of air swallowed during eating and drinking. It's also known as belching or eructation. Burping keeps your stomach from expanding too much from swallowed air. This is completely normal occurrence that helps to rid your abdomen of excess air. It is normal for a healthy person to burp up to 30 times a day. But acid reflux may cause you to burp more often. One of the reasons for an increase in burping is because acid reflux increases swallowing. How to Burp Your Baby ? When burping your baby, repeated gentle patting on your baby's back should do the trick. Cup your hand while patti

Tummy Time, Confusions related to Tummy Time

What is Tummy Time ?  Tummy time is laying babies on their stomachs for babies periods while they are awake. It's an important way to help babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles, and improve motor skills. Be sure to stay with your baby and watch closely during tummy time. When to start Tummy Time with Baby ? The American Academy of Pediatrics says parents can start tummy time as early as their first day home from the hospital. Start practicing tummy time 2-3 times each day for about 3-5 minutes each time, and gradually increase tummy time as baby gets stronger and more comfortable. How do you do tummy time with a newborn ? Tummy time can also help your baby build strength needed for sitting up, rolling over, crawling and walking. Start tummy time by spreading out a blanket in a clear area. After a diaper change or nap, place your baby on his or her stomach on the blanket for three to five minutes. Try doing this two to three times a day. Should you do tummy time before o

Signs your parenting is right , The Easiest Way To Solve Problems (बच्चे की परवरिश में आने वाली समस्याओं को सुलझाने का आसान तरीका)

  Parents have to face many kinds of difficulties. At the same time, people who have become parent for the first time, do not know how the situation is to give in. Children learn new things with their aging and during this time, they have to face many difficulties and challenges. In these circumstances, parents can solve their difficulties. Self confidence  is a feeling of trust in your abilities, qualities, and judgement. Parents too need lots of love and care! Whether you are a working parent or a stay at home one, we have tips to help you take cake of yourself and become an awesome parent. Signs your parenting is right       Your child feels comfortable talking to you. It is important for your child to discuss his problems and difficulties with you. And, he should be able to do this without worried about reaction. When your child feels comfortable talking to you about anything, he wouldn't need to keep secrets or tell lies. This is one of the many signs of open and positive par

Positive Parenting Tips, Children Are Not Wrong

Parenting tips  As a parent you give your children a good start in life-Nurture, Protect and Guide. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for Independence. पेरेंटिंग एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जो आपके बच्चे को स्वतंत्रता के लिए तैयार करती है अर्थात अपना अच्छा, बुरा में अंतर समझने के लायक ब नाती है।   Just Encourage her/his to ask as many questions as possible, Let her question every thing and any thing. बच्चे को हर चीज से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछने दे। क‌ई बार बच्चे ऐसे भी प्रश्न पूछ लेते जिससे असहजता महसूस होती है, परंतु उनके मन की जिज्ञासा को शांत करना ही चाहिए, उनके प्रश्नों का किसीने गलत तरीके से‌ उत्तर दिया तो उन पर गलत प्रभाव भी पर सकता है, उससे बेहतर है आप उनके प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे । जब बच्चे सवाल पूछ रहे हो तब आपका ध्यान उन पर १००% हो।  As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child. This article will help you learn more about your child's development and positive parenting. However, it's not always a smooth and easy path. As they gro

Cough and Cold

A cough can be an involuntary or voluntary act to clear the throat. Children often cough when they have a cold because of mucus trickling down the back of the throat. If your child is feeding, drinking, eating and breathing normally and there's no wheezing, a cough is not usually anything to worry about.  Before we get to the natural remedies to cure, let us understand what causes it. Cold or flu Pneumonia Acute bronchitis Asthma Viral Infection (Baccho ko aksar cough cold ki wajah se hi hota hai. Cough ek gadha chipchipa taral padhatr hota hai. Agar bacha normally kha, Pi rahe hai ghabarane ki koi baat nhi hai.) When to be worried about your child: (Ghabarane ki kb baat hai:) Cough with fever lasting more than five days.  (Cough k sath bukhar 5 din se jada ho.) A cough lasting for eight weeks.  (Cough 8 weeks se jada ho.) A cough getting worse by the third week.  (Cough jada badh jaye.) Associated difficulty in breathing labored breathing. (Cough hone pr saas lene me dikat aane la

Pacifiers or Soothers, Advantage and Disadvantage of Pacifiers, Are They Good for Your Baby?

What is Pacifier or Soother ?    Pacifier is rubber, plastic or silicon nipple substitute given to an infant. Pacifiers normally have three parts, an elongated teat, a mouth shield, and a handle.  Is pacifier good for babies?   Babies IQ learn to suck when they are in the womb. Sucking helps the baby get  nutrition apart from comforting them. Some babies love to suck their fingers or thumbs, whereas some enjoy sucking pacifiers.  What is the purpose of a pacifier ? Some babies are happiest when they are sucking on something. A pacifier offers temporary distraction. A pacifier might come in handy during and after shots, blood tests or other procedures. A pacifier might help your baby fall asleep. What age are pacifier for ? Pacifier can be given from birth to any age. You can even start giving your little one a pacifier if he or she is already 3 months or even 6 months old. Can we give pacifier to newborn ? Pacifiers are safe for your newborn.  Every child is different, with unique need

Why Newborn Babies Cry ?

 Newborn Babies      Often newborns will smile in their sleep. Sometimes a smile in the early weeks of life is simply a smile in the early weeks of life is simply a sign that your little bundle is passing gas. But starting between 6 and 8 weeks of life, babies develop a "social smile" intentional gesture of warmth meant just for you. This is an important milestone.     Smiles are the first building blocks of warm, loving and responsive relationships. These relationships are crucial for your baby's development. Through these relationships, babies and children learn how to think, understand, communicate and show emotions. In fact steps your child takes in learning how to be social and have good relations.      Smiling at your baby is great for your early relationship with your baby. It fosters bonding and attachment, and it helps your baby feel secure and safe.  Why Newborn Babies Cry ?      Your baby will cry because they feel hungry, unsettled, wet or uncomfortable, o

Engaging Different Activities for 4 years olds

  Do you ever think Why is parental engagement important? Why are kids addicted to mobile or other digital device? Or  Are kids spending too much time on mobile phone? Do you ever think ? In this blog we will discuss about these questions , Why its happen ? Parenting promotes and supports the physical, emotional, social intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.  Why is parental engagement important? Parental involvement helps to creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school. It is essential for parents to support the learning that happens in preschool settings at home as well. Why are kids addicted to mobile or other digital device? For many people, social interaction stimulates the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger. Dopamine play

How To Massage Your Newborn

In this blog, we will discuss that How To Massage Your Newborn and related questions like Is it good to massage Newborn? How many times should we massage baby? Should I massage my baby before or after bath? Which oil is best for baby massage? When to stop baby massage ? Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most beautiful challenging phase in any woman's life. The fact she will bring a new life.  Is it good to massage Newborn? Massaging babies is one of those magical activities that has been passed on from generation to generation. And why not, considering the innumerable health benefits it has to offer. Massaging infants basically involves stroking your baby with soft and rhythmic strokes. Massaging is an extension of your touch which always puts a crying or irritable baby at ease. Massage can soothe your baby and help her to sleep. Massage has many added benefits for your baby, including improving weight gain, aiding digestion, improving circulation, and easing teething pain. 

Tips for Baby Gas Remedy

Have a gassy baby? What to know about infant gas symptoms, remedies and causes? In this articles, we discuss about some questions which is always related to our kids. Why is my baby so gassy? Gassy baby signs and symptoms. Gassy baby causes. What are the best remedies for baby gas relief? Can breastfeeding make baby gassy? Why is my baby so gassy? In most infant, gas is simply caused by swallowing air while feeding. Othertimes, though, it can be sensitives that could be affected by breastfeeding mom's diet or a certain type of formula. If your baby is gassy you will notice that baby passes a lot of gas and seems to feel better afterward. Gas troubles often start when babies are just a couple of week old. Infants are usually gassy because they have immature digestive system and swallow air during feedings. Some babies may have sensitivities that could be affected by a breastfeeding mom's diet or a certain type of formula. Gassy baby signs and symptoms Babies are naturally gassy,

Periodic Classification of Elements, Why its necessary?

  Hello Everyone,               Today, we are going to discussed about the Periodic Classification of Elements , but before start our topic, Do you remember elements, compound and mixture. Mixture are like a food item that we consume, they contain everything in proportion that we desire. We can add or remove the substance according to our need. and on the other hand C ompounds which have substances in fixed proportion. If we change the proportion then it will affect the compound and we see random change. For example:- H 2 O (Water)             If we remove even 1 Hydrogen from H 2 O which is water, composition changes and water as a compound doesn't exist. Thus fixed proportion must in compound. Lastly We have the elements. These are the purest form of any substances. They are composed only the same type of atoms. They cannot split or break So, Can we said Compounds and Mixture are made up of elements ? Yes   In nature Elements are basic form of every materials that we find around

Temper Tantrums Explained; How to keep the peace

Here, we will discuss about a basic problem related to kid " TANTRUM". Some basic questions which is also going in our mind  What is tantrum ? Is tantrum is normal ? What age tantrum begin and stop ? Why do temper tantrums happen ? What should I do when tantrum happens ? What is tantrum?                       A sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child. A temper tantrum is when a child has an unplanned outburst of anger and frustration. Tantrums can be physical, verbal or both. Usually, they are acting like this because they want or need something they cannot expressed with words.  Is temper tantrum is normal ? Yes, temper tantrum are normal. This often happen because children want to independent but still want a parent's attention . What age do temper tantrums stop ? Tantrums usually begin in children 12 to 18 months old. They get worse between age 2 to 3 , then decrease until 4 to 5 .  They begin to diminish as a child becomes more able to communicate his