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How To Massage Your Newborn

In this blog, we will discuss that How To Massage Your Newborn and related questions like Is it good to massage Newborn? How many times should we massage baby? Should I massage my baby before or after bath? Which oil is best for baby massage? When to stop baby massage ? Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most beautiful challenging phase in any woman's life. The fact she will bring a new life.  Is it good to massage Newborn? Massaging babies is one of those magical activities that has been passed on from generation to generation. And why not, considering the innumerable health benefits it has to offer. Massaging infants basically involves stroking your baby with soft and rhythmic strokes. Massaging is an extension of your touch which always puts a crying or irritable baby at ease. Massage can soothe your baby and help her to sleep. Massage has many added benefits for your baby, including improving weight gain, aiding digestion, improving circulation, and easing teething pain.