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Showing posts with the label Baby Care

Tummy Time, Confusions related to Tummy Time

What is Tummy Time ?  Tummy time is laying babies on their stomachs for babies periods while they are awake. It's an important way to help babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles, and improve motor skills. Be sure to stay with your baby and watch closely during tummy time. When to start Tummy Time with Baby ? The American Academy of Pediatrics says parents can start tummy time as early as their first day home from the hospital. Start practicing tummy time 2-3 times each day for about 3-5 minutes each time, and gradually increase tummy time as baby gets stronger and more comfortable. How do you do tummy time with a newborn ? Tummy time can also help your baby build strength needed for sitting up, rolling over, crawling and walking. Start tummy time by spreading out a blanket in a clear area. After a diaper change or nap, place your baby on his or her stomach on the blanket for three to five minutes. Try doing this two to three times a day. Should you do tummy time before o

Signs your parenting is right , The Easiest Way To Solve Problems (बच्चे की परवरिश में आने वाली समस्याओं को सुलझाने का आसान तरीका)

  Parents have to face many kinds of difficulties. At the same time, people who have become parent for the first time, do not know how the situation is to give in. Children learn new things with their aging and during this time, they have to face many difficulties and challenges. In these circumstances, parents can solve their difficulties. Self confidence  is a feeling of trust in your abilities, qualities, and judgement. Parents too need lots of love and care! Whether you are a working parent or a stay at home one, we have tips to help you take cake of yourself and become an awesome parent. Signs your parenting is right       Your child feels comfortable talking to you. It is important for your child to discuss his problems and difficulties with you. And, he should be able to do this without worried about reaction. When your child feels comfortable talking to you about anything, he wouldn't need to keep secrets or tell lies. This is one of the many signs of open and positive par

Positive Parenting Tips, Children Are Not Wrong

Parenting tips  As a parent you give your children a good start in life-Nurture, Protect and Guide. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for Independence. पेरेंटिंग एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जो आपके बच्चे को स्वतंत्रता के लिए तैयार करती है अर्थात अपना अच्छा, बुरा में अंतर समझने के लायक ब नाती है।   Just Encourage her/his to ask as many questions as possible, Let her question every thing and any thing. बच्चे को हर चीज से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछने दे। क‌ई बार बच्चे ऐसे भी प्रश्न पूछ लेते जिससे असहजता महसूस होती है, परंतु उनके मन की जिज्ञासा को शांत करना ही चाहिए, उनके प्रश्नों का किसीने गलत तरीके से‌ उत्तर दिया तो उन पर गलत प्रभाव भी पर सकता है, उससे बेहतर है आप उनके प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे । जब बच्चे सवाल पूछ रहे हो तब आपका ध्यान उन पर १००% हो।  As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child. This article will help you learn more about your child's development and positive parenting. However, it's not always a smooth and easy path. As they gro