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Showing posts with the label Are They Good for Your Baby?


  Vishnu Sharma was an Indian scholar and author between 1200 CE-300 CE. He is believed to have written the PANCHATANTRA a collection of fables. Some scholars also believe that it was written in around 3 CE. Panchatantra are known for wisdom on practical life . Here are the two stories. 1.     THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE 2.     THE ELEPHANT AND THE SPARROW 1.    The Monkey and The Crocodile                              Once upon a time, there was a monkey who lived on the tree by           side of the river. He lived alone, but was very happy.          One day, a crocodile came out of the river. He swam up to the               tree and told the monkey that he had travelled a long                               distance and was in search of food as he was very hungry .          The softhearted monkey offered him a few rose apples. The                   crocodile thanked him and asked him if he could visit the                        monkey again .             "You are always welcome

Pacifiers or Soothers, Advantage and Disadvantage of Pacifiers, Are They Good for Your Baby?

What is Pacifier or Soother ?    Pacifier is rubber, plastic or silicon nipple substitute given to an infant. Pacifiers normally have three parts, an elongated teat, a mouth shield, and a handle.  Is pacifier good for babies?   Babies IQ learn to suck when they are in the womb. Sucking helps the baby get  nutrition apart from comforting them. Some babies love to suck their fingers or thumbs, whereas some enjoy sucking pacifiers.  What is the purpose of a pacifier ? Some babies are happiest when they are sucking on something. A pacifier offers temporary distraction. A pacifier might come in handy during and after shots, blood tests or other procedures. A pacifier might help your baby fall asleep. What age are pacifier for ? Pacifier can be given from birth to any age. You can even start giving your little one a pacifier if he or she is already 3 months or even 6 months old. Can we give pacifier to newborn ? Pacifiers are safe for your newborn.  Every child is different, with unique need