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RHYMES For Kids (A Little Bird and I, Lollipop, Moo, Moo, Brown Cow, The Zoo, A Tiger, Home From School, Ten Little Fingers, Traffic Lights, Hop a Little, Safety First, Colours, Just me, Numbers, A Tailor, A Cobbler, A Policeman, Miss Molly)

 Here are some rhymes for the kids

1.    A Little Bird and I

2.    Lollipop

3.    Moo, Moo, Brown Cow

4.    The Zoo

5.    A Tiger

6.    Home From School

7.    Ten Little Fingers

8.    Traffic Lights

9.    Hop a Little

10.    Safety First

11.    Colours

12.    Just me

13.    Numbers

14.    A Tailor, A Cobbler, A Policeman

15.    Miss Molly

A Little Bird and I

Once I saw a little bird

Come hop, hop, hop.

And I cried, little bird,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

I was going to the window

To say, How do you do?

But he shook his tail

And away he flew.


I took a hop

To the shop,

To buy my sweet lollipop.

See the big stick,

And the red top.

I'll put it in my mouth,

And eat it plop! plop! plop!

Moo, Moo, Brown Cow

Moo, moo, brown cow,

Have you any milk ?

Yes sir, yes sir,

For you, Jack and Jill.

Churn it into cheese,

Make it into cheese,

or drink it from the glass,

As fresh as you please.

The Zoo

It's so much fun in the city,

There is such a lot to do;

But best of all I think I like

The animals in the Zoo,

There are lions, tiger, bears,

And elephants you know;

As long as they are in a cage,

I'm not afraid to go.

A Tiger

Here is a tiger,

That lives in the zoo.

If you look at it,

It will look at you.

It walks to the left,

It walks to the right;

But it can't get out,

As the gate is shut tight.

Home From School

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

One, two, three, four;

As I knock, knock, knock,

Upon the big front door.

The front door now is open,

And Mother smiles at me;

"Come in, come in, my child,

You're just in time for tea."

Ten Little Fingers

Ten little fingers,

and ten little toes,

Two little ears

and one little nose;

Two little eyes

that shine so bright,

One little mouth

to kiss mother

'Good Night'.

Traffic Lights

Red light, red light,

What do you say ?

I say stop, stop right away.

Amber light, amber light,

What do you mean?

I mean wait till the light turns green.

Green light, green light,

What do you say?

I say go, go right away.

Hop a little

Hop a little, jump a little,

One two three;

Run a little, skip a little,

Tap tap one knee;

Bend a little, stretch a little, 

Nod your head;

Yawn a little, sleep a little, 

In your bed.

Safety First

The red light says stop,

But go says the green;

The amber light says get ready,

When it lights up in between.

These are the rules

Of road safety;

We must follow them

Or pay a penalty!


My teeth are white,

They are so bright;

My hair is black,

And so is Jack's.

A tomato is red and sometimes green,

But a green potato is never seen.

A sunflower is yellow;

A chocolate is brown;

A brinjal is purple;

With a green crown.

Just me

Eight pink fingers standing up tall,

Two little ears to hear mummy call;

One little nose that I can blow,

Ten pink toes all in a row.

Two little thumbs that wiggle up and down,

Two little feet to stamp on the ground;

Hands to clap and eyes to see,

What fun it is to be just me!


One, Two, buckle my shoe;

Three, Four, shut the door;

Five, Six, pick up sticks;

Seven, Eight, lay them straight;

Nine, Ten, a big fat hen;

Eleven, Twelve, dig and delve;

Thirteen, Fourteen, let's go boating;

Fifteen, Sixteen, boats in between;

Seventeen, Eighteen, my friends are waiting;

Nineteen, Twenty, the boat is empty.

A Tailor, A Cobbler, A Policeman

I am a tailor,

Making clothes;

Stitch, stitch, stitch

My needle goes.

I am a cobbler,

Mending a shoe;


And it's just like new.

I am a policeman,

I stand just so,

Telling cars to stop,

Telling cars to go.

Miss Molly

Miss Molly had a dolly

who was sick, sick, sick.

So she phoned for the doctor

to be quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his

bag and his hat,

And he knocked at the door

with a rat-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and

he shook his head,

And he told Miss Molly

"Put her straight to bed."

He wrote on a paper

for a pill, pill, pill.

And was back in the morning

with his bill, bill, bill.


Engaging Different Activities for 4 years olds

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How to Deal with Temper Tantrum ? How do you communicate without yelling ?

  In previous blog, we already discussed about the temper tantrum and the link is given in the description. In that blog we understood some topics like what is temper tantrum ? Is temper tantrum normal ? What age tantrum begin and stop ? Why do temper tantrum happens ? What should I do when tantrum happens ? and Now in this blog we discussed a very important topic for kids and also for new parents that how to deal with temper tantrum ? Tantrum is not easy for parents and also not for child. Some time situation is very complicated and we cannot get how to deal with it . Temper Tantrums are common in child, especially between age 1 to 5 . Some times in new environment, some child are more prone to tantrums, especially those type of kids who are intense, hyperactive or moody kids. In another way we simply define that tantrum are a way of getting out their frustrations.  For example, when you ask them

POEMS, SONGS, RHYMES(Vehicles, A wise old owl, Machhli jal ki rani, I love my little doggie, The family, An elephant, Pitter Patter Pit Pat, Robin, Ten little firemen, Shapes, The cat, The grocer's shop, Finger rhyme, Froggie, Mango trees)

  POEM:-                A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.      SONG:-               A piece of music with words that we sing.     RHYME:-               A word that has the same sound as another. Here are some rhymes for the kids 1.      Vehicles 2.     A Wise Old Owl 3.     Machhli Jal Ki Rani 4.     I Love my Little Doggie 5.     The Family 6.     An Elephant 7.     Pitter Patter Pit Pat 8.     Robin 9.     Ten Little Firemen 10.     Shapes 11.     The Cat 12.     The Grocer's Shop 13.     Finger Rhyme 14.     Froggie 15.     Mango tree VEHICLES                                    Aeroplane, aeroplane, up in the sky, Where are you going flying so high ? Over the hills and over the seas, Aeroplane, aeroplane, please take me. A Wise Old Owl A wise old owl lived in an oak, The  more he saw the less he spoke, The less he spoke the more he heard, We must all be like that wis