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POEMS, SONGS, RHYMES(Vehicles, A wise old owl, Machhli jal ki rani, I love my little doggie, The family, An elephant, Pitter Patter Pit Pat, Robin, Ten little firemen, Shapes, The cat, The grocer's shop, Finger rhyme, Froggie, Mango trees)


            A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. 


            A piece of music with words that we sing.


            A word that has the same sound as another.

Here are some rhymes for the kids

1.    Vehicles

2.    A Wise Old Owl

3.    Machhli Jal Ki Rani

4.    I Love my Little Doggie

5.    The Family

6.    An Elephant

7.    Pitter Patter Pit Pat

8.    Robin

9.    Ten Little Firemen

10.    Shapes

11.    The Cat

12.    The Grocer's Shop

13.    Finger Rhyme

14.    Froggie

15.    Mango tree



Aeroplane, aeroplane, up in the sky,

Where are you going flying so high ?

Over the hills and over the seas,

Aeroplane, aeroplane, please take me.

A Wise Old Owl

A wise old owl lived in an oak,

The  more he saw the less he spoke,

The less he spoke the more he heard,

We must all be like that wise old bird.

Machhli Jal Ki Rani

Machhli jal ki rani hai,

Jeevan uska pani hai;

Haath lagao to dar jayegi,

Baahar nikalo to mar jayegi.

I Love my Little Doggie

I love my little doggie; his coat is so warm,

And if I don't hurt him, he will do me no harm;

So I won't pull his tail, or drive him away,

But doggie and I, together will play;

I'll stroke his soft back, and give him some food,

And my doggie will love me, because I am good.

The Family

This is the father, short and stout, (show your thumb)

This is the mother, with her children about, (show index finger)

This is the brother, tall you see, (show your middle finger)

This is the sister, with a dolly on her knee, (show your ring finger)

This is the baby, still to grow, (show your little finger)

Here is the family, all in a row (show your whole  palm).

An Elephant

An elephant is big and grey,

It walks about with a sawy;

It has tiny eyes and a tiny tail,

And a very long trunk,

Which can carry a pail;

It has two white  tusks,

And two ears like fans,

An elephant gives rides to man.

Pittter Patter Pit Pat

Pitter Patter Pit Pat, here comes the rain !

Pitter Patter Pit Pat, we'll go out again.

Put  on your rain shoes and put on your hat,

Find your umbrella don't forget that!

Put on your raincoat and button it so.

Pitter Patter Pit Pat, now let's go!


Robin, Robin high on a tree,

Why are you singing so merrily ?

Sometimes I wish that I could be,

Happy and singing so merrily;

Robin, Robin don't fly away,

Oh pretty Robin, why don't you stay ?

Ten Little Firemen

Ten little firemen, sleeping in a row,

Ding-dong goes the bell, in a wink they go!

Off to the engine, ho, ho, ho!

Using the big pipe, so, so, so!

When the fire's out, home they go,

Back to bed, all in a row.


A ring is a circle,

A circle is round;

In the sun, a ball, and a wheel is found.

A square has four sides,

A triangle has three;

An egg is oval,

And is good for me.

The Cat

Here's a little CAT

Looking fine and FAT

Sitting  on a MAT

Playing with a HAT

Give the CAT a PAT

She'll be pleased with THAT.

The Grocer's Shop

I am going with my mummy,

To the grocer's shop;

To buy some sweets,

And a pink lollypop!

Mummy wants sugar, rice, dal and tea,

I hope she'll also buy some biscuits for me.

Finger Rhyme

Put a finger on your cheek,

Then put it on your nose;

Turn your fingers round and round,

And point them to your toes.

Make them do a little dance,

Give them a clap for being good,

And put them where they're still.


Froggie, froggie, come out to play,

For it is a rainy day.

Big and lovely mushrooms near,

Froggie has his dinner here.

Froggie, froggie, goes to school,

And sits on his mushroom stool.

In the sky the clouds are grey,

For it is a rainy day.

Mango Trees

Mango trees with mangoes sweet,

Grow high along our street.

I can't reach them at all.

For I am small,

And mango trees are tall.

Little birdie brown,

Would you look around, 

And throw some mangoes down ?


Engaging Different Activities for 4 years olds

  Do you ever think Why is parental engagement important? Why are kids addicted to mobile or other digital device? Or  Are kids spending too much time on mobile phone? Do you ever think ? In this blog we will discuss about these questions , Why its happen ? Parenting promotes and supports the physical, emotional, social intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.  Why is parental engagement important? Parental involvement helps to creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school. It is essential for parents to support the learning that happens in preschool settings at home as well. Why are kids addicted to mobile or other digital device? For many people, social interaction stimulates the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger. Dopamine play

How to Deal with Temper Tantrum ? How do you communicate without yelling ?

  In previous blog, we already discussed about the temper tantrum and the link is given in the description. In that blog we understood some topics like what is temper tantrum ? Is temper tantrum normal ? What age tantrum begin and stop ? Why do temper tantrum happens ? What should I do when tantrum happens ? and Now in this blog we discussed a very important topic for kids and also for new parents that how to deal with temper tantrum ? Tantrum is not easy for parents and also not for child. Some time situation is very complicated and we cannot get how to deal with it . Temper Tantrums are common in child, especially between age 1 to 5 . Some times in new environment, some child are more prone to tantrums, especially those type of kids who are intense, hyperactive or moody kids. In another way we simply define that tantrum are a way of getting out their frustrations.  For example, when you ask them