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How to Deal with Temper Tantrum ? How do you communicate without yelling ?

 In previous blog, we already discussed about the temper tantrum and the link is given in the description.

In that blog we understood some topics like what is temper tantrum ? Is temper tantrum normal ? What age tantrum begin and stop ? Why do temper tantrum happens ? What should I do when tantrum happens ?

and Now in this blog we discussed a very important topic for kids and also for new parents that how to deal with temper tantrum ? Tantrum is not easy for parents and also not for child. Some time situation is very complicated and we cannot get how to deal with it .

Temper Tantrums are common in child, especially between age 1 to 5 .

Some times in new environment, some child are more prone to tantrums, especially those type of kids who are intense, hyperactive or moody kids. In another way we simply define that tantrum are a way of getting out their frustrations. 

For example, when you ask them to take a bath while they are in the middle of watching cartoons, kids start tantrum. Any situation that involves change may spawn a tantrum .

The easiest way to stop a temper tantrum is to give the child want they want. Obviously, that strategy won't do you any good in the long run, because your child will constantly go into tantrum mode whenever they want something.

Check out these tips for calming your child down:-

  • Try ignoring the situation:- Keep your cool when responding to a tantrum. Don't complicate the situation with your own frustration or anger. Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down. So you need to be calm too.  

  • Let your child be angry:- Sometimes a kid just needs to get his anger out. So let him.

  • Refrain from yelling:- Your the role model of your kids. If you yell, your child will end up matching your volume because they want to engage you. 

  • Create a distraction:- Create a distraction is best option to deal with temper tantrum. Toy animals at the ready can help tame a tantrum. Suddenly turning the focus to something else beyond the tantrum can help your child take their laser focus off of their frustration. One option , especially great for younger toddlers, engage your child in a game making of animal noises. Take advantage of your little one's short attention span by offering something else in place of what they can't have.

  • Give plenty of positive attention:- Reward your little one with praise and attention for positive behavior. When they stay cool in a situation that would normally have triggered a tantrum, tell them they did a good job of controlling their temper. 

  • Try to give toddlers some control over it.

  • Help kids learn new skills and succeed.

  • Know your child's limits.


Some questions which is always come in our mind

Is yelling when angry normal ?

Yelling can be a part of healthy relationship. Its become a problem when it's tied in with criticism . Yelling can be used as a weapon. Southing or Yelling in anger is something everyone experience in their lifetime. Some people do it regularly, but we all are guilty of it at some point in life. Like us child also fell guilty. At that point we have to understand their situation and mental health. 

Being frequently yelled at changes the mind, brain and body in a multitude of ways including increasing the activity of the emotional brain, increasing stress hormones in the blood stream, increasing muscular tension and more.

How do you communicate without yelling ?

Communication is most important for anyone. At present time when both parents are working then communication with kids is less. It is extremally thoughtful subject. When you raise your Voice then remember that your child will learn how to have productive conversations from watching you. You can communicate with your kids without yelling. Here is the some thought to avoid yelling and communicate peacefully .

  • Make it fun.
  • Be positive and clear.
  • Ask questions 
  • Take a break.
  • Control the conversation.
  • Talk to others.
  • Set limits.
  • Remember child is child.
  • Stop yelling and start connecting.

How does yelling affect the child ?

It's been shown to have long-term effects, like anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression. Yelling can leads to depression .

When a child is yelled at, they may feel hurt, scared and sad. If this happens frequently, it may affect the mental health of the child. Causing deeper psychological issues as depression or anxiety. Depression can lead to self-destructive actions.

Nobody likes to be Yelled at. It's embarrassing. Then how child's like ? It's really really really affect the child's mental health. 

Some times kids after yelling do not show any reaction. At that time We have to think about mental health of kids.

If you want to secure your next generation Stop Yelling and encourage positively.


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POEMS, SONGS, RHYMES(Vehicles, A wise old owl, Machhli jal ki rani, I love my little doggie, The family, An elephant, Pitter Patter Pit Pat, Robin, Ten little firemen, Shapes, The cat, The grocer's shop, Finger rhyme, Froggie, Mango trees)

  POEM:-                A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.      SONG:-               A piece of music with words that we sing.     RHYME:-               A word that has the same sound as another. Here are some rhymes for the kids 1.      Vehicles 2.     A Wise Old Owl 3.     Machhli Jal Ki Rani 4.     I Love my Little Doggie 5.     The Family 6.     An Elephant 7.     Pitter Patter Pit Pat 8.     Robin 9.     Ten Little Firemen 10.     Shapes 11.     The Cat 12.     The Grocer's Shop 13.     Finger Rhyme 14.     Froggie 15.     Mango tree VEHICLES                                    Aeroplane, aeroplane, up in the sky, Where are you going flying so high ? Over the hills and over the seas, Aeroplane, aeroplane, please take me. A Wise Old Owl A wise old owl lived in an oak, The  more he saw the less he spoke, The less he spoke the more he heard, We must all be like that wis