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PANCHATANTRA STORIES (Short Stories for the Kids)

 Here is some interesting and famous Panchatantra stories for the kids.

The Panchantantra is an ancient Indian collection of interrelated animal fables in Sanskrit verse and prose, arranged within a frame story. It was the great scholar, Vishnu Sharma who wrote the Panchatantra tales long time ago. Panchatantra stories are one of the most widely translated books in the history and are known for their wisdom on practical life. The stories themselves are delightfully narrated.

1.    A Lion and a Mouse

        Once upon a time There lived a lion and a mouse. One day the         lion was sleeping.  The mouse started playing on it. The lion             woke up. He caught up the mouse and was going to kill. The             mouse requested forgiveness. The lion let him go. 

       After some days the lion caught in a net. The mouse cut the            net with his teeth. The cut the net with his teeth. The lion                    was free. He thanked the mouse.

Moral of the story:- Do Good Have Good

2.    The Clever Rabbit

    Once upon a time, deep in the jungle, there was a tiger who                hunted for his dinner.

    The rest of the animals lived in fear of the tiger because he was          the biggest and most powerful animal of them all. Day and night        they feared that they would be hunted down. All animals are             scared but nothing could be done about the fierce tiger .

    The only animal who were not scared of the big fierce tiger was          the clever rabbit. He lived in a burrow beneath the ground and            only come out for food when he was sure that the tiger was                asleep and the jungle was safe. But the rabbit was also kind and          generous and he felt sorry for the animals of the jungle that were        forced to live in fear of the tiger.

    One evening, all of the animals were gathered together at the              meeting place.

    What can we do about the tiger ? asked the monkeys .

    They decided that each animal would go to the lion, per day, as          his prey. The lion agreed.

    When it was the rabbit's turn, they decided to send the wise old        one. He travelled slowly and reached the lion's den before sunset.

    The lion furiously asked him, "Why are you so late?" The rabbit        answered, "A group of rabbits were coming to you, but on their        way, they were attacked by another ferocious lion. I managed to        escape and came." The rabbit also mentioned that the other lion        was challenging you. 


    The lion was extremely angry and asked the rabbit to take him to        meet the new lion. The wise rabbit took the lion to a deep well,           and showed him his own reflection. As the lion growled, his              reflection did the same. The enraged lion jumped into the well           and died .

Moral of the story:- Intelligence is superior to physical strength.

3.    The Fox and the Crow

    One day, a crow was sitting on the branch of a tree. She had a           piece of cheese in her beak. A fox was passing by. He saw the            crow with the cheese. His mouth started watering. He thought of a      plan. He said to the crow, "Madam Crow, You have such a sweet        voice. Can you sing a song for me ?" The silly crow opened her          mouth and started singing, "Caw, caw, caw". 


    The cheese fell down from the crow's beak. The fox took the              cheese and walked away happily .

   Moral of the story:- Selfish people speak sweet words to serve       their own ends.

4.    Two Silly Goats

    One day, two goats met in the middle of a bridge over a stream.          The bridge was narrow and only and only one animal could cross      it at a time.

    Both the goats wanted to cross the bridge first. So, they started          quarrelling. They threatened each other for some time. Then they       both began to fight.

    As they were fighting, they lost their balance and both of them           fell into the stream below and were drowned.


Moral of the story:- Anger leads to sorrow. Peace leads to joy .

5.    The Grapes are sour

    One day, a hungry fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging high on the vines. His mouth started watering. He jumped to reach the grapes. 

He jumped and jumped but could not reached the grapes .


"Those grapes are sour. I don't want them," said the fox and walked away.

Moral of the story:- Accept defeat sportingly. 

6.    The Cats and the Monkey

    One day, two cats found a piece of cake. They started fighting for      the cake.

    A monkey saw the two cats fighting. He took the cake and made        two parts of it. He said to the cats, "These two parts are not equal.      This one is bigger than the other." 

    He took a bite from one piece and them from the other, as if to            make them equal. He went on biting from both the pieces till only      two tiny bits of the cake were left.

    Finally, he ate the two tiny bits also. The cats did not get any cake      at all.

    Moral of the story:- Then two people quarrel, the third person     takes advantage of it .


Engaging Different Activities for 4 years olds

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How to Deal with Temper Tantrum ? How do you communicate without yelling ?

  In previous blog, we already discussed about the temper tantrum and the link is given in the description. In that blog we understood some topics like what is temper tantrum ? Is temper tantrum normal ? What age tantrum begin and stop ? Why do temper tantrum happens ? What should I do when tantrum happens ? and Now in this blog we discussed a very important topic for kids and also for new parents that how to deal with temper tantrum ? Tantrum is not easy for parents and also not for child. Some time situation is very complicated and we cannot get how to deal with it . Temper Tantrums are common in child, especially between age 1 to 5 . Some times in new environment, some child are more prone to tantrums, especially those type of kids who are intense, hyperactive or moody kids. In another way we simply define that tantrum are a way of getting out their frustrations.  For example, when you ask them

POEMS, SONGS, RHYMES(Vehicles, A wise old owl, Machhli jal ki rani, I love my little doggie, The family, An elephant, Pitter Patter Pit Pat, Robin, Ten little firemen, Shapes, The cat, The grocer's shop, Finger rhyme, Froggie, Mango trees)

  POEM:-                A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.      SONG:-               A piece of music with words that we sing.     RHYME:-               A word that has the same sound as another. Here are some rhymes for the kids 1.      Vehicles 2.     A Wise Old Owl 3.     Machhli Jal Ki Rani 4.     I Love my Little Doggie 5.     The Family 6.     An Elephant 7.     Pitter Patter Pit Pat 8.     Robin 9.     Ten Little Firemen 10.     Shapes 11.     The Cat 12.     The Grocer's Shop 13.     Finger Rhyme 14.     Froggie 15.     Mango tree VEHICLES                                    Aeroplane, aeroplane, up in the sky, Where are you going flying so high ? Over the hills and over the seas, Aeroplane, aeroplane, please take me. A Wise Old Owl A wise old owl lived in an oak, The  more he saw the less he spoke, The less he spoke the more he heard, We must all be like that wis